Kolyagrad Metro (experience)
Kolyagrad Metro is an experience on the Roblox platform that was developed by MrKo1ya6, one of ostarlo96's friends. It takes place in Kolyagrad, which is the capital of the Kolyaland Autonomus Area and a major city in Ostarland, and the Kolyagrad Metro is playable in the experience. The experience was initially made on 02 September 2021 (now the Legacy version), and the current version was made on 5 September 2022. The trains were made by ostarlo96, but some of them were modified by MrKo1ya6, and the announcement system was made by Ejcarolino, also known as "blubanana".
Trivia edit
- This is the only experience made by a different developer that takes place in Ostarland.