Larton is a major city in Ostarland that is the main setting for the LTC Automatic Trains experience made by ostarlo96.
Ostarlanian Railways provides intercity and regional railway services from the Larton City railway station, with destinations to Cornham. William Islands Railways also provides intercity services to the William Islands.
Public transport[edit]
The Larton Metro is a rapid transit and light rail system that serves the city. It consists of six lines, four of which are heavy rail lines, one suspension railway line, and one tram line. All of the rolling stock of the rapid transit system are free models, with some of them being modified by ostarlo96 himself.
There is an airport with a free model airplane. The airplane takes people to Foreston.
Additionally, there are various vehicles such as cars, minibuses, and buses parked around the city. They are all free models.